Toddler Curriculum


We understand toddlers at Creative Corner School.  One moment they can be curious and loving and the very next, questioning and impulsive.  It can be bittersweet to leave your toddler. Sure, you will miss them, but you also welcome the break.  Our goal is to partner with parents and give each toddler the best opportunity to develop as they become a little more independent.  Our nurturing teachers design a curriculum to fit the individual needs of your toddler that provide daily learning opportunities with specific boundaries to keep them safe.  We believe toddlers need to explore and discover the world around them but listen and begin to follow direction. We allow for flexibility in our toddler program while developing their cognitive, fine-motor, large motor, and social/emotional skills through a balanced combination of structured and unstructured play-based learning experiences. 

Language development is a key focus during the toddler years. Creative Corner School is a language-rich environment.  Every day you’ll find our teachers reading books, singing songs, encouraging children to name and point out objects around the classroom, and asking open-ended questions.  

The toddler classroom is designed to encourage children to explore their surroundings. Several learning centers are set up around the toddler room so they can venture freely from center to center. Your child can put together a puzzle at one learning center and pretend to bake a cake at another.

These hands-on activities spur growth and learning skills that:

  • Build a positive self-image

  • Develop responsibility, such as cleaning up after play time

  • Respects peers and builds friendships

  • Articulate words to express feelings, such as asking a friend to share

  • Make choices and exposes likes and dislikes

Teachers communicate daily through verbal and written reports allowing you to always feel part of your child’s school day.